lundi 3 février 2014

Foggy London Town

Ello ello!

So I just came back from my first weekend trip of my semester in Europe, and everything went without a hitch.  Myself and two other Lehigh girls left for foggy London Town after our last language intensive course on Friday morning. Now that I think of it, it wasn’t ‘foggy’ London town at all; we were fortunate enough to have bright sunny skies for the entirety of our trip, which was a very nice break from the ever-so-gloomy Paris weather.
We stayed in an apartment in a very ‘hipster-chic’ area called Shoreditch. Saturday morning we got up with the crack of dawn and started our first euro adventure. Other than some very close calls with the local traffic, as I kept looking the wrong way while crossing the street, we are able to see everything on our list. We saw the London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey (where ma homegirl Kate Middleton got married), Buckingham Palace and much more. Because of our strenuous day of sightseeing, we treated ourselves to a pint before heading to afternoon tea. We had a traditional afternoon tea complete with finger sandwiches, scones, cakes, cookies, jam and of course…some good ol’ English Breakfast.
            We finished the day by taking advantage of the semi-annual sales on Oxford Street and visiting the not-overwhelming-in-the-slightest six-story ‘Top Shop’ store.
            The following day we got our thirft-shop on and visited one of London’s largest open-air markets, the Camden Market.  The market had everything from scarves, to shirts, to bags, to knock-off marc jacobs watches, (currently feeling a little remorseful about not getting one), and food. Sweet baby jesus—the amount of food at this market was incredible! Every ethnicity, every palate and every preference was just three pounds away. I chose to eat the finer things and steered clear of the deep fried Oreos. Instead, I chose the lighter fare of a brownie-filled-toffee-dipped-doughnut
            After many pounds added up (and not just the British currency—ha), we then visited the renowned Rosetta stone and the British Museum. On the trip home back to Paris, I had a feigning sense of nostalgia—I felt that I was missing out a little bit on Paris by going away for the weekend. Even though I had a great weekend in London, as I sit here with Julienne, all I can think is that it’s good to be home. 

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